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Jesselton College is a private higher education institution headquartered in Kota Kinabalu, managed by qualified, knowledgeable, and experienced team of highly motivated and committed human resources. The Institute of Higher Learning has five schools which consist of business, tourism, arts, law and languages.

The students of Jesselton College can choose to study in various fields. All schools offer identical qualifications with same assessment standard and quality control covers students from post secondary school level in the areas of business, legal studies, tourism, designs, languages and other professional trainings.

The Institute has been established to carry on in Malaysia and any other countries, colleges and institutions of learning by means of which students may obtain general and post secondary education, undergraduate, post graduate, doctorate and professional education in various fields.

Over the years, our groups of colleges stress on flexible and interdisciplinary training systems. As a result, we have a proven positive track record of educating outstanding students to be awarded with partial scholarship in their disciplines of study and research.
Phone: 6088448344